Trump Interview Generator
Ivanka Trump interviews Donald Trump

- Ivanka Trump:Would you do anything different now?Donald Trump:Graham -- you know, often times they want to our taxes. And that's two hurricanes. And we're talking about Steve. You know if we have dialogue, it's like if we do something special, but that the payment by 7 or [Portion of them I mean millions of stadiums over many things. I was in... That doesn't need the time [Inaudible] $7 trillion dollars to shift more, and they didn't go crazy. And they're going to give you know, everybody knows what he's going on nothing and see two months yet, they.
- Ivanka Trump:What does President Trump think?Donald Trump:71 billion -- let's say, well, our veterans, but nobody ever seen the next 30 years, I've had numerous senators to get to win the economy, had more than CBS, and then shortly after the next 12 if you think we could stop drug companies. And he's going forward. I want a great meeting. It was not -- we're stopping that. No. Because I know false reporting to me that Obama plans. One thing that anybody's life was with the unions don't think what's.
- Ivanka Trump:Yes.Donald Trump:Look, in Jeff Sessions. Look, the countries, too. We have to go a little more fake news. And he's an excellent people on infrastructure plan. That's a report. But we lose four hundred congressmen to the past, when it to do that. But you're right. Isn't that want $12 a normal broadcast company. But it a plan ever in Transcript] I must be a far as far the first of this, resist? Well, I mean, you know? So since election as simple as more heart. You know whether.
- Ivanka Trump:Senator Alexander and Senator Murray are working on a bipartisan plan. They stopped when it looked as though Lindsey Graham and Cassidy had something going. Is this to force their hand to come up with something?Donald Trump:Melania Ivanka. People love Melania and dropped -- you need it. What he was interesting to the wall we have the Obama did. All of pace. We are, and I said it quickly, and Goodlatte, and there was Social Security or during the prime minister of territory. It's absolutely no collusion. They're going to see. We're going to have some people went to an opponent. I cannot get.
- Ivanka Trump:In other words, obstacles that you have to overcome.Donald Trump:So, another $300 billion. So, and the things happen to phase two. Phase two legs. Think of the Eiffel Tower, and say, Hilary Clinton administration. They still hope we start cursing at the uranium deal. Would I got strong with North Korea. If it was very very good guy that she was great, great guy, but it comes up a no longer than any president of China, and they'll say, Anthony, what Putin doesn't mean we're going to lose four was a.
- Ivanka Trump:Up 20%, right?Donald Trump:For in 28 years. For it. You could be very good for no idea what we've.
- Ivanka Trump:Just two more minutes, we're wrapping up.Donald Trump:House. people in the House. feet wide. And I know how the country who is becoming very soon. And I had nothing to be much better than Hillary had a long time, and we'd get the reception was a book or kneeling down to do it will be used. And look, the car companies are working and you can tell me the country. We had a candidate by -- I'm doing infrastructure plan. Because I would have companies.
- Ivanka Trump:You've been discussing a new deal?Donald Trump:Careful about Russia -- not produced. I have a lovely.
- Ivanka Trump:Oh, good, good. Well, you see, you know, my colleagues write those, so they'll be -- they'll be ÑDonald Trump:I very important: judges. I Party. Including the same company, we got there. For individuals. We made while she was just watching your money in particular. But it's totally different way, incredible thing. And I haven't hit threes.
- Ivanka Trump:How do you overcome that, when someone like Senator Warren, Senator Elizabeth Warren literally says people are going to die because of President Trump's health care billDonald Trump:Russia the speech that Russia or any president of things are just Obama was here from the back, Ronald Reagan wanted that I hope you've heard that estimate hopefully will say, I'm really know. Nobody even been a lot of a short period of that, so many different form of Nebraska. Right. Sure. Sure. Look, we're going to explain you know, of control. And they hear from day you were the Miss Universe pageant to their standard. Statistically, you mean look back, before it was terrible.Generate New Trump Speech
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