Alternative Girl Profile Generator

Always dreamed of being an Alternative Girl, but don't know where to begin? Let us create a random Alternative Girl profile for you.

Alternative Alias/Handle Ravyn
5 Things I Cant Live Withouttoothbrush, smoke, my hubby, a car, lip balm.
AlcoholI have black lungs by now
Body Modssome piercings, tattoos and piercings, tattoos and a few piercings
Cigarettes420 only
Current CrushDavey Havok
Ethnic BackgroundA little Dutch and a lot of Greek
Favorite Bandsa tribe called quest, sex pistols, el guincho
Favorite Booksshakespeare, angelas ashes, a tree grows in brooklyn
Favorite Filmsclockwork orange, eyes wide shut, lynch
Favorite Sexual Positiondoggy.
Favorite Tv Showsbuenafuente, wondershowzen, claymore
Favorite Video Gamesskyrim, sonic the hedgehog 2, jet set radio future
Hobbiessurfing, smoking, paint
How I Lost My VirginityAt 18
How I Spend My Free Timein front of my computer
Intocigarettes, squids, chai
Most Humbling Momentevery day
My Heroesmy grandmother, Boris Vian, My father
Tagsface, tattooed hips, battlestar galactica
Ultimate Fantasyfreedom
What Gets Me Hotsweat
What I'm Looking Forwhoever comes along
What Makes Me Happydogs, the fair, things that sparkle
What Makes Me Saddead animals, animal abuse., Fur